
"A Little Sass, A Lot of Growth"
Specializing in early childhood development and the educational processes that help children develop socially, emotionally, and academically.

Inspiring Early Childhood Instruction
Treat yourself or your team to transformative training sessions filled with evidence-based strategies ready for immediate application. Experience the difference with Dr. Kassy's infectious enthusiasm, captivating storytelling, and interactive approach, making professional development both engaging and enjoyable!
Achieve the positive behaviors you want
Reduce the challenging behaviors you don’t
Promote essential life skills in young children
Build meaningful collaborations with fellow caregivers
Lower your stress, boost your success, and elevate the joy of caring for young children

Building Stronger Foundations: Fun Team Building for Head Start Staff Training at NIHSDA Conference.

All professional development sessions are packed with practical, real-life tools that you can start using immediately to encourage positive behaviors and reduce challenging ones. Each topic is available for delivery in-person or virtually, offering flexibility to suit your needs.
ECE Management Training & Team Building
Building a Productive Child-Centered Program: Engaging Staff Through Motivational Practices
The early childhood learning environment is only as good as the staff. If your employees are engaged and connected to their work, it will show in the care and education provided to the children and families. Employee engagement is not always easy to achieve; however, it should be one of your top priorities. Working in early education is extremely rewarding, but it can also bechallenging and lead to burnout. It is important to provide support and resources to keep your staff motivated, engaged and happy to be part of the teaching and learning environment. In this session we will explore strategies that will help you develop processes, activities, and events to keep your employees engaged and invested in their work.
Building Stronger Foundations: Fun Team Building
The success of a program/school relies on the collaboration and cohesion of its staffmembers. In this interactive workshop, we explore innovative and enjoyable team-building activities. By fostering a sense of community and camaraderie, these activitiesaim to enhance communication, teamwork, and morale within teams. Participants willlearn practical strategies for creating a positive and engaging work environment whilestrengthening relationships among colleagues.
Establishing Positive Program and Family Connections
ConnectionsCreating opportunities and experiences that bring program staff and families together iscritically important. In this session participants will further their knowledge on ways to create awelcoming, nurturing environment for all program members. Everyone will leave with ways todevelop family events that are engaging, inclusive and culturally responsive. Walk away withtools and strategies to establish relationships built on trust, respect, and understanding...witha dash of SASS and fun.
Using Laughter to Lead Because Laughter is Medicine
Humor, and the following laughter it creates, has many therapeutic effects on the body.Laughing is known to relieve stress, improve your mood, and emotional state. It also hasmany social and physical health benefits. If you have heard that “Laughter is the bestmedicine,” it is true.This session provides an overview of the many benefits of laughter and includes practicesyou can begin using immediately. As leaders, there are multiple stressors that exist. Thesestressors can inhibit the success of a program. Why not find a fun way to engage in self-careand overcome the barriers of success with laughter?

Early Childhood Environments: Designing Effective Classrooms
Classroom Training
This training offers information on how to set up effective inclusive early childhood classroom environments for young children. It also provides details about the interrelated physical, social, and temporal components of those environments, as well as adaptations to help teachers meet the needs of children with disabilities.
Classroom Transitions
This training focuses on strategies that promote smooth transitions between classroomactivities and routines. Learning activities offer opportunities for participants to discuss howthey could apply the strategies to their own classrooms.
Classroom Diversity: An Introduction to Student Differences
Considerations for Diverse Student Populations training offers a broad overview of howdiversity (i.e., culture, language, exceptionality, and socioeconomic status) affects learningand how teachers can better meet the needs of all their students in their classes.
Early Childhood Behavior Management: Developing and Teaching Rules
This training, a DEC-recommended resource, includes information on how to createdevelopmentally appropriate behavior rules for early childhood classrooms so that they linkto a given school's behavior expectations. The importance of communication with familiesabout rules and expected behaviors is also stressed.
Universal Design for Learning: Designing Learning Experiences That Engage and Challenge All Students
This training, a DEC-recommended resource, includes information on how to createdevelopmentally appropriate behavior rules for early childhood classrooms so that they linkto a given school's behavior expectations. The importance of communication with familiesabout rules and expected behaviors is also stressed.
Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, PreK-3rd Grade):Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle
Developed specifically with PreK-3rd grade students in mind, this training—the first in atwo-part series—discusses challenging behavior in terms of the phases of the acting-outcycle and offers strategies and tips for responding to students in each phase.
Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 2, PreK-3rd Grade):Behavioral Strategies
The second in a two-part series, this session describes strategies that teachers canimplement to prevent or address challenging behaviors
Strategies Behavioral Principles: The Basics of Understanding Student Behavior
This session examines the ABC (antecedent-behavior-consequence) model, whichillustrates how environmental factors can influence behaviors before and after they occur.The session also explores other foundational concepts involved in understanding,addressing, and changing behavior.

Mental Health Trainings and Support
Mental health is especially critical during childhood, as it significantly impacts every aspect of a child’s development. Through my specialized consultations for young children, I, Dr. Kassy, work closely with parents and caregivers to promote optimal mental well-being. My approach is rooted in research and addresses a wide range of social and emotional challenges, providing practical tools and strategies to support lasting positive outcomes.
Stress and Well-Being Workshop
Stress is natural and may seem inevitable. However, it can take a toll on your health and effectiveness as an early childhood educator or parent. It impacts the quality of care that you can give. When you are too stressed, it is difficult to offer the praise and structure your children need.The overall goal of this workshop is to assist the adults in a child's life in managing their day-to-day stress in a way that nurtures their physical and emotional needs and, in turn, those of the children.
Behavior has Meaning
This workshop provides participants with information about the importance of understandingthat all behavior has meaning. Participants are encouraged to think about how this workshoppertains to the behaviors that the infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in their settings use tocommunicate their wants and needs, intentions and emotions, and how adults respond tothese communicative attempts.
Guidance Strategies
This workshop focuses on strategies and approaches that highlight positive prevention andintervention strategies when guiding children's behavior. We will reflect on the educators’ rolein assisting children with their emotional, social and cognitive growth and development aswell as looking at how the physical environment in early years impacts children’s behavior.